Toxic & Safe Plants & Products
Toxic Products:
Toxic Plants:
Reportedly Safe Plants:
Reportedly Safe Woods (if free from pesticide and other chemical treatments):
- Teflon (non-stick cookware). This is toxic only if forgotten in oven or on stove (or put on very high heat), which causes it to overheat and release toxins. Non-stick oven liners will overheat very easily and kill all sizes of birds within minutes. Do not use them.
- Chemical air fresheners, some perfume, scented plug-ins, wax melts, candles. Choose natural scents with no chemicals. Even some essential oils have been reported to be harmful (tea tree), while others are beneficial.
- Cigar and Cigarette smoke- toxic to all living things.
Toxic Plants:
- Avocado
- Black Locust
- Blue Green Algae
- Calla Lily
- Coffee Beans
- Diffenbachia
- Eggplant
- Elephant's Ear
- Ergot
- Foxglove
- Jerusalem Cherry
- Jimsonweed
- Lily of the Valley
- Milkweed
- Mistletoe
- Nightshade
- Oak
- Oleander
- Philodendron
- Poinsettia
- Pokeweed
- Potatoes (spuds are okay, if not green)
- Rhododendron and Azaleas
- Tobacco
- Tomatoes (fruit is okay)
- Virginia Creeper
- Yew
Reportedly Safe Plants:
- African violet
- American bittersweet
- Aloe
- Autumn olive
- Areca palm
- Bamboo (Lucky Bamboo is not bamboo, it is in the Lily family and is toxic!)
- Australian laurel
- Barberry
- Bamboo palm
- Bayberry
- Begonias
- American or European Beech
- Bird's nest fern
- Bladdernut
- Boston fern
- Blueberry
- Bottle brush fern
- Comfrey
- Canary Island palm
- Coralberry
- Christmas cactus
- Cotoneaster firethorn
- Coffee tree
- Crabapple
- Corn plant
- Dogwood
- Creeping fig
- Common, European or Red Elderberry
- Danish ivy
- Balsam, Douglas, Subalpine or White Fir
- Devil's ivy
- Dracanae
- Grape vine
- Dragon tree
- Huckleberry
- European fan palm
- Marigold
- Fiddle leaf fig
- Nasturtium
- Fig tree
- Ponderosa, Spruce, Virginia, or White Pine
- Flame nettle
- Pyracantha
- Hawaiian scheffler
- Raspberry
- Indian laurel
- Rose
- Jade plant
- Snowberry
- Kangaroo vine
- Black, Norway, Red, or White Spruce
- Lace fern
- Viburnum
- Lady palm
- Wax plant
- Maidenhair fern
- White poplar
- Magnolia tree
- Ming fern
- Willow
- Mother fern
- Mother-in-law's tongue
- Norfolk pine
- Paradise palm
- Parlor palm
- Pepperomia
- Prayer plant
- Purple passion
- Rubber tree
- Spider plant
- Umbrella tree
Reportedly Safe Woods (if free from pesticide and other chemical treatments):
- Wandering Jew
- Acacia
- Almond
- Apple
- Arbutus
- Ash
- Aspen
- Bamboo (not lucky bamboo; which is not true bamboo)
- Beech
- Birch
- Citrus
- Cork
- Oak
- Cottonwood
- Crab apple
- Dogwood
- Elm
- Fig
- Fir
- Fruitless Mulberry
- Ginkgo
- Grape Vines
- Grape Palm
- Guava
- Hackberry
- Hazelnut
- Hibiscus
- Hickory
- Ironwood
- Larch
- Lilac
- Liquidamber
- Madrona
- Magnolia
- Manzanita
- Maple
- Mediterranean Laurel
- Mesquite
- Mimosa
- Mulberry
- Norfolk Island Pine
- Oak
- Palm
- Papaya
- Pear
- Pecan
- Pine
- Poplar
- Ribbonwood
- Rose
- Sassafras
- Spruce
- Sweet Gum
- Sycamore
- Thurlow
- Tree Fern
- Umbrella Tree
- Vine Maple
- Walnut
- Willow